Today we head over to St. Charles for the Fall Sports Banquet. It is a fun time where we get to see the players and their families one more time. The coach will also present the "Sean P. Reed Memorial Team Player Award." It is an award, chosen by the coaching staff, to a senior, non-starting player, who contributed to the success of the team. It's a person who exemplifies "
Facta non
Verba" (deeds not words) the theme of the school. We know who the winner is, but have been sworn to secrecy. I'll post a picture later of the winner. Here's a drawing of the medal:

Mom, Sue and Guinness got home from Florida yesterday. I went over to help get a chair in from the car and to trim Guinness' nails. Both were a success! Got some bad news, though, Reverend Bill Raper died on Thursday. He and his family live next to Mom. He had been ill for a while and I hadn't seen him in quite some time. He was a very nice man and he'll be missed.
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